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Foreigner Information Center

The Foreigner Information Center is a multilingual public information service that provides information and processes public complaints or inquiries made by foreigners residing in Korea in order to help them adapt to daily living in Korea.

  • Phone : ☎ 1345
  • Calling from overseas : +82-2-1345 ~ 6
  • Business Hours : Weekdays 09:00-22:00 (service available in Korean, English, and Chinese after 18:00)
  • * Language options available for consultation services (20 languages)
  • Korean, Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Mongolian, Indonesian, French, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Russian, Nepali, Cambodian, Burmese, German, Spanish, Filipino, Arabic, Sri Lankan

BBB interpreting service

Call us whenever and wherever you need assistance. You can talk to a volunteer interpreter via mobile phone in the language of your choice.

  • Phone : ☎ 1588-5644
  • 담당부서 :
  • 전화번호 :
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-09-08

현재 페이지의 정보 및 편의성에 만족하십니까?
